San Base is a contemporary Canadian artist. He has pioneered the Dynamic Painting technology -
a revolutionary painting presentation method that breathes a life into previously static images.
"The Dynamic Paintings I'm designing are examples of digital generative art - an art that has been generated algorithmically by a computer system.
There have been many attempts at producing generative art; the history of it goes back to the early days of computer development.
Many of these works have used fractals and pretty much none of them accounted for more than just basic artistic principles.
This is not the case for my Dynamic Paintings. I'm a strong believer that innovation is often born when several drastically different disciplines come together,
and I think that being an experienced programmer and an artist gives me an edge.
Another big challenge with dynamic picture has been the inadequate computing power of personal computers to handle advanced algorithms that describe artistic principles of a computer generated painting.
My technology uses powerful video cards to generate real-time images that rival most of the conventional contemporary paintings that cost thousands of dollars.
This is not something that has been attempted before. Also, being able to generate images in real time enables me to set paintings in motion and create a new experience never seen before.
The painting is always in the state of a perpetual transformation. It never repeats itself.
Every time a new image is created, there is an opportunity for a peaceful receptivity and then the work disappears forever."
San Base
Abstract and surrealism art gallery - Computer generated paintings - Digital abstract art - Transforming picture - Generative digital art
The official website of artist San Base.
© 2010 San Base Studio, Toronto, Canada